TITHE APPLOTMENTS The Tithe Applotments for Cum (1815-1825?) lists the occupants of Cum, Lahardaun, as: John Moghan, Walter MacHale and Co., Dennis Sheridan, and John Mangan. In 1823 the Composition Act was passed which stipulated that henceforth all tithes due to the Established Church, the Church of Ireland, were to be paid in money rather than in kind as they previously could have been. This necessitated a complete valuation of all tithable land in Ireland, the results of which are contained in manuscript form in the tithe applotment books arranged by parish. The tithe applotment books contain the name of the tithe-payer, the size of his farm and the amount of tithe he paid. |
Griffith's Valuation lists the following heads of households as tenants in Cum:
Edmund M'Hale land, house, offices (farm buildings) Mary M'Hale (house) Anthony Mangan (land,) Anthony M'Hale Jr. (land, house, offices) William M'Hale (land and house) Bartholomew Monnelly (land and house) Dominick Sheridan (land, house and offices) Matthew Leonard (land and house) Patrick Sheridan (land, house and offices) John McCue (land, house and offices) |
William Senior is based upon age reported at time of death in 1878. Death record (I have a copy of the register) states that he had suffered from pulmonary disease for seven weeks and had not seen a doctor. The informant was Patrick McHale, Cum. | ||||||||||||
Mary deeded her share to Gaughans who later sold to Garretts | ||||||||||||
1848-64 A valuation of all properties in Ireland was started in Co. Dublin in 1847 and completed in counties Armagh and Down in 1864. A summary version of this valuation, known as the Primary Valuation or more popularly as Griffith's Valuation after Sir Richard Griffith, the man appointed Commissioner of Valuation, was published in some 200 volumes arranged by poor law union. In addition to the names of householders and landholders the valuation also provides the name of the person from whom the property was leased ? the ?immediate lessor?, a description of the property, its acreage and the valuation of both the land and the buildings. From 1864 the valuation revision books detail changes in occupancy of the properties. |